Sunday, September 6, 2009


Here is a short, concise guide to fighting against globalism and restoring our republic. Mostly this guide explains the current problems we face and gives you a means from which you can awaken yourself and others.

The economy is in this current condition primarily due to the injection of authority from the private central banks into the Federal Reserve. The main goal of this action is to consolidate power and property to a world bank institution called the Bank Of The World. This will keep the poor and middle class in their place or reduce their standard of living while elevating the status of the super-rich elites who run the New World Order. The old standards of creating misery through wars and military oppression are coming to an end. Those elites who hold sway over the government have decided to inject their "problem-reaction-solution" propaganda into our financial systems to create a new kind of misery.

Using the Federal Reserve System, they create financial bubbles, only to watch in glee as the dumbed down population runs with them until the bubbles burst. They gamble that most Americans are too stupid to realize who is responsible for the mess and sit back as beleaguered Americans will blame the government, big business, the welfare state, the warfare state or each other for the problems. The elites use the false left-right-paradigm to instigate a divide and conquer scenario and consolidate their plans to bankrupt America and usher in World Government as the only path to salvation. Even as we are awakening to this treachery, the mainstream media still tries to cover the problem by pretending to be clueless, at the same time pretending to investigate the matter to make us feel like the media has our backs.

Solving this problem is simple to initiate if one has the will to do so:

First, all you need to do is turn off you television. Nothing on television will provide you with the answers.

Second, start looking at your own vices and shortcomings and realize that the elites of the new world order provided you with all of the vices you are slave to. Alcohol, drugs, reality TV, unhealthy food, and living beyond your means in the false Madison Avenue lifestyle, all have contributed to the decline of our country. We have become inherently lazy and welcome the assistance from the Federal Government to take care of us from cradle to grave. We have turned away from family and embraced a self-serving attitude. Once you have that sense of self reflection it will be time to move on to the next step to break out of your enslavement.

Third, educate yourself about the way the world is governed. Use the Internet for this before Internet 2 is released, taking down all the vital info you need to awaken yourself. Most of the truth can be found there. If any terms mentioned here are unfamiliar to you then go to Wikipedia and look them up. Try to find current events and history exciting again, and realize how your current situation is a result of decades of conditioning from the New World Order.

Lastly, take action. Go to city councils where federal laws are being discussed and speak out against anything that diminishes our liberties, takes away our free speech, criminalizes the right to bear arms, or ravishes our economy. Run for public office. The awakened who are most educated in these matters need to infiltrate this corrupt system and take it back from the elites.

If we expose our corrupt governments by educating the public, discrediting the elites, infiltrating their systems, re-instilling virtue and family values, and exiling globalism, then we liberate America and reclaim our freedoms.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mission Statement

The first goal for any blog is to make one's message effective or to provide leisurely feature style musings for the masses. The Patriotizer will focus on current events that are shaping our world, and engage the facts with bias commentary against any globalist agendas that infest the interpretation of those facts.

The Patriotizer is against any type of agenda that endorses eugenics, globalism, a one world government, man-made global warming lobby, pre-emptive war, trans-humanism, pagan or occult practices, fundamental religious practices (including christian right wing hypocrites), and any other act or governmental agenda that suppresses or stunts the growth of the human journey.

The Patriotizer endorses the right to free speech, the right to assembly, the right to bear arms, and in fact, any statute mentioned in the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights. The Patriotizer also strives to educate and awaken those of us who are suppressed by our current environment of Madison Avenue materialism and the Warfare / Welfare State.

Finally, The Patriotizer will engage in info-war (a war comprised of words and text, not bullets) against any organization or group that it sees as deceiving the human population into accepting a globalist world view.