Sunday, June 6, 2010

Illegal Immigration: Simple Fix

Illegal immigration is a touchy subject. Proponents on both sides of the debate have strong cases for what they think is the right way to tackle the issue.

Arizona has recently become another litmus test for immigration reform as Gov. Jan Brewer signed a bill last Friday which brings to issue the concerns of racial profiling that would indeed occur to some degree once the law is passed. Aside from this issue, do law makers really understand the reasons why illegal immigration is such a problem in this country? Do they understand why illegal immigrants come here in the first place? Are they afraid to admit that it is the Federal Government that subsidizes this illegal activity? The problem is that law makers keep making laws instead of taking away subsidies!

Take away Medicaid and Medicare for undocumented people. Take away free food services such as food stamps and welfare from them as well, and that will practically make this growing issue vanish overnight along with sanctuary cities! How should the states handle the documentation fraud which is a catalyst for this problem? Well, that is the area where law makers should devote their energy, not building fences, and debating how an officer should question the citizenship of an individual as they try to dodge racial profiling issues.

Once the Federal Government begins dismantling the subsidizing of illegal immigration, a domino effect of proper events will take place that will make the problem disappear sooner than trying to come up with a bunch of laws that merely make the situation much worse, much more racially charged, and much more taxing upon the American people. The issue boils down to this, a documented citizen of the United States is the only person who should get social services if they need them.